The Beat Goes On – We Hope

The Beat Goes On – We Hope

It’s February once more, and for those of us in the healthcare arena, it’s also “Heart Month.” So, it would be reasonable to consider some issues that are important to this vital organ. We’ve talked a little in the past about the usefulness of...

An Ounce of Prevention. . .

An Ounce of Prevention. . .

For those of us interested in preventive medicine (and that should be everyone), there is some exciting information with regards to the prevention of heart disease. We all know that this is the leading cause of death in our country, and if we...

Angels to the Rescue

Angels to the Rescue

“Papa. . . are there really such things as angels? And what do they do?” I tucked the blanket under my seven-year-old grandson’s chin and stroked his silky blond hair. It was his bedtime, but he was wide awake. That was a good thing, since this...

A Little Whoopie for the New Year

A Little Whoopie for the New Year

(or a more tame title)Something to Whoop at It’s January, so what do we have to look forward to in the coming year? First, let’s consider something old that’s becoming new again. No, I’m not referring to polyester pants, Wayne. I’m talking about...

ADHD Medications

ADHD Medications

What’s the best ADHD medication for my child? This is a situation where “one size doesn’t fit all,” and we have to avoid that temptation. When we think about medication for ADHD, most of us probably immediately think of an...

ADHD Treatment

ADHD Treatment

What’s the best way to treat ADHD? First, we need to understand that ADHD is a chronic disorder. It’s not like tonsillitis, where an effective antibiotic will take care of the problem and it’s gone, or a greenstick fracture in the wrist that will...

ADHD – diagnosis

ADHD – diagnosis

Everybody says my kid’s hyper. Should we start him on some medicine? Whoa! Wait a minute! Wait a couple of minutes! You may be thinking that because your child is “hyper” he or she may have ADHD and needs some form of treatment. That may be true...

A Second Glance

A Second Glance

My wife and I were sitting on the third-story porch of a condo overlooking the beach in Garden City. The pier was only a few hundred yards south of us, and the crowded sandy strand beneath us was beginning to thin in the early evening. It was a...

Love Languages

Love Languages

I don’t understand my child and we’re always knockin’ heads! Is there anything I can do? Simpatico. “Of similar mind or temperament.” Sounds good, doesn’t it? And wouldn’t that make things a lot smoother? That’s a worthy goal, to be of a similar...

A Little Knotty

A Little Knotty

We noticed this knot a couple of days ago on our boy’s chest. What do you think it is? You might be surprised how often this concern brings a parent and her child to the office, or sometimes to the ER. A mother or father discovers something...

September ebook sale!

September ebook sale!

Angels in the ER ($2.99), Angels to the Rescue ($1.99), and Notes from a Doctor’s Pocket ($1.99) ebooks are on sale during the month of September! Read the preview and check out the links to the sales. Angels in the ER Chapter 1 The Nature...

Fever Phobia

Fever Phobia

When our two-year-old ran a fever of 102, my aunt told me to put him in a bath of ice water. How long should we leave him in there? What??? Our answer is—make sure your aunt reads this chapter. We’re going to provide you with a good understanding...