Sorting Out the Medical Literature

Sorting Out the Medical Literature

With everything out there on the internet, who are we to believe? “The latest medical studies…” “New research has shown…” “My friend just told me…” We hear it all the time. Some new medical claim is released and the media floods the airways and...

Sticks and Stones… and Collar Bones

Sticks and Stones… and Collar Bones

“Mrs. Dagenhart, why don’t you bring Noah over here and we’ll take a look at his x-rays.” I flipped the switch of the view-box, back-lighting the films of the three-year-old’s wrist. She walked up behind me, carrying her young son. “I know most...

Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

Our baby-sitter thinks our 18-month-old can’t hear. We’ve started paying more attention and think she may be right. How do we check that out? Hearing loss is the number one impairment in older adults. Almost always, its onset is gradual...



My ten-year-old has started squinching his eyes and scrunching his shoulders. My best friend says it’s probably a tick, but he hasn’t been out in the woods or anything. What could it be? Ah, the English language—purported to be the most difficult...

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

That’s probably true, or at least it comes pretty close. What we put into our bodies has everything to do with our overall health. What we choose to eat can put us at risk for serious diseases and ailments, and even shorten our lives. Or it can...

Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s Ear

What’s the best thing for a swimmer’s ear? The best thing is not to get it. Really, we’re serious. This one of those things that should be preventable, if we just pay attention and use a little common sense. Let’s start by considering the causes...

Behavioral Insomnia

Behavioral Insomnia

Bedtime with our four-year-old has become Armageddon. How can we get her to go to bed without wearing all of us out? Bedtime battles. You’re not alone. Somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of all children have some form of childhood insomnia. This...



How do I know if my child needs stitches? It depends. Not every cut needs sutures, and if we jump the gun and rush to the ER, we might end up spending a lot of time and money in exchange for a simple bandaid. On the other hand (or knee or face)...

Child with a Limp

Child with a Limp

Our six-year-old started limping a couple of days ago. When should we start worrying? Maybe now. A child with a limp is something you should take seriously. We do. Let’s start with what we mean by a “limp.” This is a jerky, uneven gait that’s...



We’re expecting a boy in a couple of weeks—our first child. I was circumcised when I was a baby and want him to be too. My wife’s not sure. Her sister has told her “no way,” that it’s barbaric. What should we do? The decision as to whether or not...

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails

My teenage boy keeps getting ingrown toenails. What’s the best thing to do, and can they be prevented? Yes, they can be prevented. What usually happens is that your son won’t complain until his toe is markedly swollen and tender, and then we end...



I found something in my middle-schooler’s bedroom that looked like a liquid-filled pen with a mouth-piece. My friend told me it was used for “vaping,” whatever that is. If she’s right, is this something we should be worried about?” The movie Ben...